AgTest is committed to providing our valued customers with the best services at reasonable prices.
Soil testing is an important aspect of production. “If you don’t test, it’s just a guess.” Soil testing helps to avoid over fertilizing which costs time and money on unnecessary fertilizer applications and helps reduce environmental pollution from runoff. Soil sampling allows you to optimize yields and minimize fertilizer costs. Our soil test packages and interpretive guidelines are tailored for your specific crop and growing conditions. The soil test report you receive from AgTest will be your guide to improving your soil fertility, crop quality and yield. It can be a very useful and valuable tool if you take the time to properly sample your soil.
Managing the nutrient content of the soil is one key to optimum performance of any plant whether it is your lawn or a commercial crop. Over or under application of essential plant nutrients can be costly in terms of yield, quality, and the environment.
An agronomic soil test extracts a portion of the plant available nutrients contained in a soil sample and results are then classified as low, medium, high, or very high based on expected crop response to added crop nutrients. Crops grown on soils that test high to very high for a specific nutrient are not likely to respond with a yield increase if that nutrient is applied to the soil. However, soils testing low or medium for that nutrient are likely to show improved yield and quality if that nutrient is applied (provided other nutrients are present in adequate amounts).
We look forward to providing you with the best soil test available. And, we guarantee it! If you can’t find what you are looking for please contact us to speak with personnel or the chemist for assistance.
Soil can be analyzed on a physical, chemical, and biological level. Physical analysis could include attributes such as density, texture, hardness, and aggregate stability. Biological attributes include organic matter, microbial respiration, or the nutrient supplying ability of nematode, fungal, and bacteria populations. Chemical analysis seeks to determine pH and nutrient levels.
If you live near enough to Ellensburg, you are welcome to drop the sample(s) off at our office or if we are closed, place it in our 24-Hour drop box.
You may mail the sample to:
AgTest, LLC
PO Box 627
Kittitas, WA 98934